Sergine Andre (‘Djinn’) was born in the Artibonite region of Haiti, and has lived and worked in Brussels since 2010. Her work draws from the magical-spiritual tradition of her home region and is situated within the country's abstract expressionist avant-gard.
Following technical art training at the Ottawa School of Art, in 1997 Sergine won a prize with the Institut Francais and the opportunity to work at the National School of Fine Arts in Paris as a guest artist. In 2006, she participated at the Johannesburg Bag Factory in South Africa (as guest artist) and in 2011 at the 54th Venice Art Biennale. Most recently in 2021 her 'Rara' series featured as a solo exhibition at the BOZAR in Brussels
In her art, Sergine draws heavily from childhood, living deep in the countryside of the Artibonite region of Haiti. This was a rural world where there was little electricity, ties to the land were intimate, nature was omnipresent and the rustling of trees or the vivid night skies evoked a spirit world, simultaneously both troubling and serene. Her art conveys those otherworldly feelings and sensations which others do not
easily perceive.
Recurring themes are the invisible (those who pass through life but are unseen), the afterlife and the joy of living. Her work is also powerfully informed by a searching curiosity and a continuing exploration of the world in which we live
Her work has been exhibited in North America (including New York, Miami, Pittsburgh, Montreal and
Washington DC), the Caribbean (Haiti, Martinique, Dominican Republic), various cities in Europe (including Paris, Berlin, Venice, Brussels, Warsaw, Lyon, Luxembourg) as well as in Johannesburg, South Africa
SELECTED EXHIBITIONS (Solo and Collective)
2024 'Butterfly Resistance: Haiti' , Studio Gallery, Palace of Culture and Science, Warsaw, Poland
2024 'A Space to Create: Sergine André', Galerie Monnin, Miami/Port-au-Princes
2022 'Vives'' collective exhibition, Maison Dufort, Centre d'Art and the Musée d'Art Haïtien, Port-au-Prince, Haiti // Atlantic World Art Fair 2022, Gallery Monnin
2021 : Les Raras de Sergine André, BOZAR, Palais des Beaux-Arts (Centre for Fine Arts), Brussels // 2021 Atlantic World Art Fair, Gallery Monnin
2020 Les Rencontres Transfrontalières Francophones, Hôtel de Ville de Saint-Louis, France // Map Danse Anba Lapli, Galerie de la Rage, Lyon, and at Studio Boissière, Montreuil, Paris // Solo exhibition, Balthazar, Brussels
2019 L'Amitié dans la Diversité d'Horizon et de Culture II (curator, collective exhibition), Brussels // "Commemoration de la Bataille de Vertières", Embassy of Haiti to the Benelux countries, Brussels // ″Exposicion Colectiva: Celebracion para Maryse Conde″ (curated by Delia Blanco), Embajada de Francia, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
2017 « L’amitié dans la diversité d’horizon et de culture » (as curator) Ateliers Mommen, Brussels
2015 Célébration des mondes sensibles, 141 ans de la cité (collective exhibition), Ateliers Mommen, Brussels
2014 Regards sur la peinture haïtienne, Abbaye de Neumünster, Luxembourg-ville
2013 Haïti, Royaume de ce monde, Institut Français, Jacmel, Haiti
2012 Haïti, un futur pour son passé, Musée d'art moderne et d'art contemporain de Liège, Belgium // European Union Open Days Art Exhibition, '10 years, 10 artists', European Commission, Brussels
2011 Haïti, Royaume de ce monde, Galerie du Jour - Agnès B, Paris // Global Caribbean III, Art Basel, Miami // Haiti Pavillion, 54th Art Biennale, Venice // Gallery 16, Yverdons-les Bains, Switzerland
2010 Femmes en mythologie, mythologie de femmes, Musée du Montparnasse, Paris // 'The Truth', collective exhibition, (with Galerie Monnin and Donna Karen), Stephan Weiss Studios, West Village, New York City
2009 Make Art like Voodoo, Patchworldverlag, Berlin
2005 'Haitian Experience'. Absolute Americana, Saint Augustine, Florida
2004 Haitian Art Sale and Celebration, FONDAM, Washington DC
2002 Haitian Art in Bloom, New York City // "Haitian Art Show", Friends of Hôpital Albert Schweitzer Haiti, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
2000 Trio, Galerie Monnin, Pétion-ville, Haïti // 'Haiti. Anges et Démons', Halle Saint Pierre, Paris
1997 Les femmes peintres d’Haïti, Musée du Panthéon National Haïtien, Port-au-Prince
1996 L'invisible, Galerie Monnin, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
2006 Guest Artist, Bag Factory, Johannesburg, South Africa
1998 Guest Artist, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France
1997 Grand Prize of the Institut Français, Jacmel, Haiti. "Connaître les jeunes peintres"
2023 Creation Plastique d'Haiti (a history of visual arts in Haiti), Carlo A. Celius, Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris, France
2023 Casseus! (cover illustration Rara Artibonite), for album by Fareed Haque, Wahdude Music, Chicago, US
2022 Artist's Monograph 'Dialogue in One Voice' (Dialogue a une Voix'), Sergine Andre, CIDIHCA Editions, Montreal, Canada (2nd edition, CIDICHA France, 2023)
2020 Art review "IntranQu'illites" 5th edition on Eros (as Artistic Director), Ed. Passagers des Ventes, Paris, France.
2018 UNESCO Courier 'Welcome to the Anthropocene' (April-June edition), UNESCO Publications, Paris, France
2010 'Lettre à Sergine', in "Le Serpent à plumes pour Haïti", Thomas C. Spear, Paris, France
2010 'Haïti: avant l'orage", Frankettiene and Olivier Beytout, Éditions Riveneuve, Paris, France
2008 'Saisir l’âme de Haïti : Sergine André", ACP-EU Courrier (Jan/Feb edition), European Commision Publications, Brussels, Belgium
2003 'Titouan Lamazou en Haiti.' Editions Gallimard, Paris, France
2000 'Carnets de Voyage 2'. Titouan Lamazou, Editions Gallimard, Paris, France
2000 "Haïti anges et démons", Ed. Hoëbeke / La Halle Saint Pierre, Paris, France.